This is the department we visited:

Anyway, we waited for almost a century. What?!?! I’m being exaggerating? Hey knn I have got proof ok!
See how technology improves as the year progresses:

Anyway, we waited for donkey years before it is our turn to “visit” the doctor. We stayed in the room for less than 5mins and to think they made us wait for about 4 hours a century! There aren’t even check ups!!! It is just prescriptions of medicine nia lor! Btw, during my waiting period, I can see that out of 100 people, only 2 are not sleeping! 1of them is the doctor and the other one is ME!!! Cause I’m busy taking photos of everything la!
Anyway after about 4 hours a century of waiting in SGH, we proceed to the pharmacy. This is another department that requires us to wait wait wait till we die again!

Anyway I walk around the pharmacy to kill some time and I spot this chocolate! It’s for the diabetes patients, being a kaypo kia I am, I decided to pay $5.20 to try it out! But it is on an offer, (Probably because nobody even bothers trying it out)
But it still cost $3.75. Expensive stuff!
Here’s the packaging of the chocolate:

Looks ugly right? YA!! And the contents inside doesn’t taste very nice too! In fact, it is horrible!! It has no texture of chocolates and it is so artificially made! I rather die than eat this chocolate! But, come to think of it, it doesn’t really taste that bad if you are a diabetic’s patient. Well, what more can you ask for? Anyway, for healthy people out there, if you got extra money to spent, try this chocolate lar, experience the taste of sugar free chocolate! (But I would rather u donate your extra money to me)
Anyway, after todays visit to the SGH! I have decided, I would rather die at home than to go to hospitals and wait! It is better to die of sickness than to die of boredom right?
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