Anyway, i made a new friend while walking into IJ. Although i don't really know her name, i know she's from christ chruch sec. Anyway we stick together during the long adlur="try dressing by the principal of IJ (Man! this principal lovesss to drag every word she saaaayyyssss) . After that we were split into our clans and tribes. I belong to orientation group 20 with is under tribe Maricopa and under the clan Miccosuuke (don't ever ask me what language is this). After that, we proceed to pay $16 for out T-shirts, Water bottle and Shoe bag.
There are four colours of the T-shirt depending on which clan u are in. I got red clour which is one of the few better looking clours. (The blue colour looks gay)
Here is the front view of the T-shirt

Here's a close up view of the words on the T-shirt (front view)

Here's the back view

Close up view

Actually, the T-shirts are over-sized for me... 1 is L size and the other 1 is XL. No choice, they do not have smaller size anymore. so, just too bad for me lah. I liked their T- shirts desgin alot... And the T-shirts are very comfortable!
Ok, so after the giving out of the orientation packages, we went on to play ice-breakers with our tribe. It is quite boring. Hmm... ... ok... i lied. It is actually very boring . anyway, afyer the boring ice-breakers game, we went on to learn our clan cheer. We were very bored and refuse to shout at first, but then, out orientation group leaders(OGLs) were so enthu... ... So after a long long time, we managed to shout abit la.
Then, it is time for lunch!!! However the food doesn't really taste very nice... ... It is like eating in a french resturant, the servings are small and it is so expensive! Maybe beacause of their small servings, i finished their louya food. Anyway, i managed to spot a few dunearnites during lunch time. Glad to know that I'm not alone! After lunch is out clan meetings and we went down to the stadium to pratice our cheers. The stadium in IF is BIG!!! It ia almost the size of the Bukit Gombak stadium! Then we proceed to out station games. Station games are fun as we get really really wet playing with water and stuff.
After the dirty station games, we went back to the giantic hall for de-brief. We left at about 5:30pm
I slept early that day. It's a tiring and fun day spent in IJ :)
Second Day:
The second day sux! We spent long hours in the hall listening to talks! I sit till my backside also pain they are still talking and talking. Anyway, thanks to the very "good" subjects combinations offered in dunearn, I am not able to get into any of the courses i want. Mainly beacause i wasn't an A maths student!
So... after that, i decided that i will not go to school anymore! What is the use of taking all the arts courses!
Anyway I was quite depress after that lar. Kept thinking if i want to go and take up the Arts courses offered to me or nt. And i decided that I do not want to study so many Arts courses and later end up having the wrong subjects combinations for university. Sad life for me lar.
Anyway, IJ have nice crest, they collar pin looks nice with the colorfull desgin
Here's a picture of the collar pin

Anyway I can advise students taking your sec 2 streaming this year. If your sch doesn't offer A Maths to you. You appeal!!! If they do not want to give it to you still, you and consider doing a transfer to another sch. Cause without A maths, you are going to lose out ok!!! You never know if you are going to be smart when you grow up.
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