Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Spoil market

Our whole class are being ACCUSED of spoiling the market rate for Ma yesterday. Haha! Not really accuse anyway, i think we REALLY did spoil the market rate. Ambrose say he is so going to print out all my group members photo and have them pinned up all around the school of business making us the enemies of the whole DBF course. I think he say say only though. Spider whole calss went to print out the SPSS Box ljung for ambrose. If you didn't managed to do well for MA, its not our fault, its DBF/2A/01 fault! Kill them by all means!
Somehow i feel that this semester is darn fast and MST is actually coming soon~ And I haven't been receving any warning letters for this semester up till now! Cheers!
And btw, Personal friends mentioned in the earlier post meant anyone and everyone in Wushu except for Alex! I'm so super pissed off with him and I guess this will continue for ages! Anyway, i missed everyone in Wushu! Still remebered about our stupid conflicts, about me disliking DBT gang! Haha! Simply classifying everyone of them under DBT even though not all of them are under DBT!
"DBT gang "consists of:
Hui ying the lamer, always telling me lame jokes and not laughing at my very FUNNY jokes
Gui Xiang the gymnastic guy, bloody hell, he is more flexible than me! *jealous*
Yi Si the very thin gal, bloody hell, she is thinner than me! Okay, i guess anyone is except for the doraemons! Haha!
Alvin the nan quan guy, nan quan is just another nicer term for short and not so thin :P (don't quote me for saying that! hehe)
Poh Sien my favourite member because he is the treasuer!
Meng Hui our Vice captain, he is a VERY responsible and good vice captain. However, besides training, he talks rubbish most of the time! haha!
Law the quiet guy, I rarely see him though, seems like he is always away on holidays :)

There's also this doraemon gang which consists of all the not very tall, not very thin and people who like to pinch me ALOT! Hey! You know who you guys are man! I will be nice and NOT list you guys out! Just in case people start to agree with me and start to sing the doraemon song to you guys! Hehe!

And please! Bloody hell! ASK ME OUT! ASK ME OUT! ASK ME OUT! Okay... just dont ask me out when you are asking Alex out! Thanks ALOT!

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