Saturday, October 07, 2006

PSI 102?!?!

Due the EXCESS buring of forest in Indonesia, we are currenlt breathing in very drirty and unhealthy air! The moon was covered by the thick layer of fog testerday and thus, I was unable to 赏月做诗. Very sad!
Anyway, i wonder if the PSI will still continue to rise above 130 or nt. I think Malaysia is experiencing a worst senario than us. When we are quite far away from Indonesia and we are experiencing such high PSI, i wonder how the Malaysians feel.
I can't really blame Indonesia for setting fire to their forest, but can they pleases do it setp by setp, one by one?!?! For goodness sake, don't burn down so many forest at once, just burn 1 or 2 then wait for a while and burn again!
Bloody hell, can't stand the air!

1 comment:

Bella said...

WLE you're getting so critical these days. I CANT EVEN SEE THE MOON ON 15THAUG (chinese). wait, I DONT EVEN KNO IT WAS 15THAUG LOR.