Thursday, September 28, 2006


I took Calenders and Astronomy for my GEMS and although i found it quite fun, I'm bored to death during the lessons!
I barely spoke more than 5 sentences during the whole bloody 2 hour lessons and didn't even managed to smil at someone who was trying to talk to me. I must have looked like a introvert! Furthermore, i didn't even mix with my GEMS classmates and left straight away after my GEMS class to meet Wenqi who is outside waiting for me. Bloody hell, i bet my life that my GEMS classmates are gossiping about the introvert that is in the class.
Well, i guess I'm shy and cannot strike up a conversation easily with people I do not know (I'm not lying!). Oh man, i dread of attending the GEMS class next week again! How the heck am i going to spend another 2 of my hours and not even saying a word!
Please, help me... but I willt ry to make friends with them after a few classes, but they really don't look like those interesting kind... all nerds nerds de. WAH Piah!!!!

Today i had 4 lectures straight without stop and I almost died inside the lecture hall. By the last lecture which happens to be Econs, I'm playing around with my classmates and not listening at all! Anyway, can't be blame, my class starts at 8am and ends at 5pm with 4 lectures, how crazy can the timetable be? Early in the morning i received a message from nathan saying that there will be photo taking session tml. I still remember the sec sch days where we always like to have photo taking session cause we can skip lessons! Anyway, I seriously don't feel like taking the photos la, next year let people laugh only :P. Furthermore, what if somehow or another i quit Wushu, then will they replace my cute face with a pighead or nt??!?! Very difficult to say man!Hahax

PS. How come exclamation mark are not allowed ar?

1 comment:

Bella said...

walao what lousy friends. HEH guess you have ALOT to talk to when you're with us laaaaaaa. E3'05.